Thursday, August 16, 2012

Cialis and the problem of aging

The title to this article says it all. No matter how we may hope to hold back time with Botox injections and face lifts, the underlying reality is a slow march to old age. As this happens, there's a natural loss of interest in sex. The rate at which this happens varies from one man to the next. But as the sixties roll on into the seventies, libido reduces and the majority of men grow less interested in sexual activity. In part, this can be lack of opportunity. Not all seniors are able to find willing partners. But there can also be medical problems. There are three more common causes. The first comes from many of the medications many take as they age. A significant number of drugs affect libido. In such cases, the only options come from detailed with discussions with your regular physician about adjusting the dosages or experimenting with alternates in the hope the side effects will be less severe.
The second cause comes from a drop in the level of testosterone. In women, hormone replacement therapy used to be considered a genuine step forward. Now there's considerable doubt about whether it's safe. Although the drugs are different, the principle that underlies the same offer to men is identical. It's suggested men benefit from topping up the level of testosterone. The medical evidence of effectiveness is unclear and it may be better just to rely on ED pills.
The third cause is depression. This is not something you may notice. You may just think you are slowing down and growing bored with the same old routines. Yet such everyday feelings can be symptoms of an underlying sadness, particularly if family and friends have been dying. It's a great temptation to go online and buy some antidepressants, yet this class of drugs is one of the worst offenders when it comes to affecting libido. The best course of treatment is always counseling. This is something you should discuss with your regular physician. Although Cialis is often effective when used by older men, it does not produce good results when depression is the cause. You may be reluctant to discuss sex with your physician but unless you ask for help, the problem is likely to get worse.